GruntWorx products are charged on a per-page, per-form, and per-trade basis, depending on which service you choose: GruntWorxLITE, VERIFIED Organize, VERIFIED Populate, Trade Details or Trade Summary. There are no upfront costs, fees, or commitments. You can use GruntWorx as little or as much as you want and the dollars you add to your account will never expire as long as your account remains active.

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Expedited Service A 100% premium will be added to the cost of the job. Your job will move to an expedited job queue guaranteeing processing before non expediated jobs. This service is available on a very limited basis and may not be available at a later time.

To estimate your costs check out our online calculator here.


Your purchase of GruntWorx can earn you up to two free licenses to TicTie Calculate, an Adobe Acrobat plug-in that lets you customize GruntWorx Organized PDF, as well as create and review digital workpapers.

1 free license with a $250 GruntWorx purchase ($200 value)
2 free licenses with a $400 GruntWorx purchase ($380 value)

Offer good for new TTC customers only and cannot be used for renewals. TTC license is good for one year. Renews each year at $80 a year per license.

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GruntWorx, LLC.

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