If you would like to include a resume, please do so below and it will be added automatically as an attachment.
Are you at least 18 years of age? (required) YesNo
Email Address (required)
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Phone (required)
Address (required)
City (required)
State (required)
Preferred start date:
Availability Full-timePart-time
Are you available to work weekends? YesNo
Are you available to work evenings? YesNo
Are you allowed to work lawfully in the United States for any business unit of GruntWorx, LLC? (required) YesNo
Will you now or in the future require any business unit within GruntWorx, LLC to commence ("Sponsor") an immigration case in order to employ you (for example, H-1B or other employment-based immigration case)? This is sometimes called "sponsorship" for an employment-based visa status. (required) YesNo
Were you previously employed by GruntWorx, LLC or Drake Enterprises, LTD? (required) YesNo
If "Yes", please give dates of employment and location(s)