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CPA Practice Advisor Review Gives GruntWorx 5 Stars

GruntWorx gets 5 stars in Overall Rating, Core Features for second year in a row!

2020 has been defined by changes. The ongoing pandemic has caused school closures, limited in-person events, and increased Zoom meetings, but one thing has remained the same: GruntWorx keeps developing an industry-leading tax automation product. That consistence could explain the results of the CPA Practice Advisor “2020 Review of GruntWorx Tax Automation and Organization.”

Every year, CPA Practice Advisor reviews tax preparation and workflow software, giving readers an idea of which products might best suit their practice. For the second year in a row, GruntWorx earned 5 out of 5 stars for Overall Rating and Core Product Functions/Features. Reviewer Mary Girsch-Bock also gave GruntWorx high marks in the remaining categories: Paperless Workflow (4.75 stars), Integration (5 stars), and Help/Support/Training (5 stars).

When it comes to actually using tax automation products like Organize, Populate, and Trades, Girsch-Bock noted that the lack of upfront fees and inclusion of a cost calculator makes it easy to use what you need, when you need it. But perhaps nothing better punctuates that flexibility than why she gave GruntWorx a high Paperless Workflow score.

“What really sets GruntWorx apart from the competition is that there is absolutely no prep work needed, since all documents are scanned or uploaded to GruntWorx, which handles the complete organizing and bookmarking process,” Girsch-Bock writes. “Once the documents have been organized, they are returned to the firm for filing. Because the documents can be scanned or uploaded in any order, it can be completed by support staff.”

While the 5-star Integration score is a direct result of simply working with most tax preparation software packages on the market, what might be most encouraging to anyone considering the GruntWorx free trial are the reasons for our 5-star Help/Support/Training score:

  • Written Getting Started and Setup Guides
  • Online webinars and tutorials
  • Accessible FAQs
  • White papers

Interested in seeing for yourself why GruntWorx got another 5-star rating from CPA Practice Advisor? Head to the home page and enter your email address next to the orange FREE TRIAL! button—we can’t wait to talk to you about how GruntWorx can save you time and money!

Source:2020 Review of GruntWorx Tax Automation and Organization

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